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World's Most Intelligent Breathalyzer Turns Heads in the UK     


Two popular UK publications have featured BACtrack Mobile this week: the Daily Mail and the Sun. 

"The BACtrack Mobile Breathalyzer is truly the most powerful yet personal tool available for understanding how alcohol affects your body," the Daily Mail proclaims. 

The Sun echoes these sentiments, and also quotes BACtrack Founder and CEO, Keith Nothacker. “We realized that adding smartphone connectivity opens up a wealth of new features for alcohol testing... Everything from tracking, analyzing  and sharing results, to even making the actual breathalyzer smaller because you’re using hardware on the phone.” 

Both newspapers hailed the features of the smartphone breathalyzer--its tracking capacity, its ability to customize privacy levels, and its potentially life-saving ability to plot users' BAC levels as they return to 0.00. 

BACtrack is currently shipping units overseas to the UK. 

Read the complete articles at:
Both newspapers hailed the features of the smartphone breathalyzer--its tracking capacity, its ability to customize privacy levels, and its potentially life-saving ability to plot users' BAC levels as they return to 0.00.